Atascosa County Expunction Attorneys

Lawyers for Clearing or Sealing Texas Criminal Records
One mistake that results in an arrest or criminal conviction can follow you for decades. A misdemeanor or felony stain upon your criminal record may impact your ability to get the job you want, receive a loan, coach your child's sports team, travel internationally, own a firearm, and much more.
Depending on the offense, you may be eligible for its permanent removal from your criminal record. In Texas, this is called expunction. The experienced expunction attorneys at BRCK Criminal Defense Attorneys, which include judges and former prosecutors, are ready to help. With recent changes to the state's expunction laws, more people are eligible, and with skilled representation, you may finally be able to erase your past record.
What is Expunction?
The only way to be absolutely sure you are eligible for expunction is to contact a criminal defense lawyer. After your record is cleared via the expunction process, you can deny the incident ever happened.
Criminal records potentially eligible for expunction include:
- Arrests for crimes never formally charged
- Those with a completed pretrial diversion program
- Charges that were ultimately dismissed or rejected
- Certain first-time DWI charges
- Certain juvenile misdemeanor offenses
- Convictions of minors involving certain alcohol violations
How to Apply for Expunction
The first step is to meet with a skilled expunction lawyer who can determine if the record you want removed is eligible. If so, they will submit a petition for expunction with the associated municipal, county, or district court to receive an order for expunction.
The court will set a hearing date, which allows the agency that issued the initial criminal charge an opportunity to contest the expunction. If the petitioner meets the requirements, however, expunction should be granted. If that occurs, your lawyer will present the order of expunction for a judge's signature and file it with any agencies that maintain a file related to the expunged offense. The records are then deleted.
You do not want to attempt expunction without proper legal guidance. It is critical you entrust an adept attorney with this process, as any errors can nullify your filing. BRCK Criminal Defense Attorneys can ensure everything is done correctly so you receive the outcome you desire.
Nondisclosure Orders
If you do not qualify for expunction, you still have hope of protecting your record. Your lawyer can file for an order for nondisclosure, which limits access to your criminal record. Generally, people who have successfully completed their deferred adjudication probations are eligible for a non-disclosure order. Your lawyer can decide if this is a valid course of action for you.
Contact a Wilson County Expunction Lawyer
With representation from the accomplished and dedicated attorneys at BRCK Criminal Defense Attorneys, you can rid yourself of a problematic criminal offense that negatively affects your life, including your employability. To learn how we can help you today, contact a 24/7 Floresville criminal defense attorney at 830-769-1010. We also serve clients in Frio County, Pearsall, Karnes County, and Karnes City.